Five weird facts about me.

– I don’t like the sound of a broom that sweeps. It gives me goosebumps

– When I wash my hands and don’t put any lotion on them afterward, they get dry and that makes me freeze.

– I don’t like touching dishwashing sponges, again. It gives me goosebumps.

– The worst food i know, is shrimps. I can’t remember how they taste, but I can’t eat or touch them. 

– I CAN’T sleep when it’s warm. I would rather freeze a lot, than sweat a little.


a little about me.

Iben Hey, my name is Iben Jeppesen.

I’m an eighteen years old girl, from Denmark.
I study at Holstebro Teknisk Gymnasium, where I’m at my second year.
My main subjects are Math, Biotechnology, and English.
Besides going to school, I photograf, and have some small model jobs.
I love Pictures, music, fashion and make up.
